Who is driving your bus?
Many authors are confused as to what they need and what they don’t. There are many multinational companies who talk a good talk, but really all they want is for you to join their platform, comply with their rules and for them to pay you as little as they can get away with. They are making billions by doing this. They want you to believe you have no other choice. But this is not so, and the smart authors know the answer!
With the power of search engines, authors can reach people looking for their knowledge and imagination worldwide. You don’t need anyone to get between you and your tribe.
It is not about self-publishing, hybrid publishing or traditional publishing. These are a distraction. The most important question is who is in charge. So often it is not the author! We want to change this
But enough is enough. As an author, you want to make the maximum amount of money from all your hard work and not to increase the profits of big business. The only thing you lack is the knowledge to make a success of your author business. Welcome to AuthorCraft.
We are not publishers, we are an independent membership club for authors. We exist to help them build their own, successful business to bring their work to market, in multiple formats, and to make a profit in doing to.
You will find many successful authors in the club, willing to share their experiences and knowledge. You will be able to meet them at AuthorCraft Events, both in person and online.
Don’t be alone. None of us can succeed without the help of others.
JOIN NOW – SPECIAL OFFER joining fee £10. Then £5 per month
What every author needs
The one area most authors seem to struggle with is with marketing – and selling(!) – their books. It is so easy to end up with a garage full of boxes but with no idea of how to get them to market. That is what AuthorCraft is all about.
The question is though, when do you start marketing your books? If your answer is ‘Once I receive them from the printers’ then you are already at least two months too late! At AuthorCraft we believe that you should be thinking about your marketing before you even start writing your manuscript. The first thing you need is complete clarity on who you are writing for, what is the problem they need to solve, and why they would purchase your book. If you don’t have complete clarity on this, you might find yourself writing the wrong book!
AuthorCraft is for you if:
- You are thinking about writing a book but need clarity on how to target it to your chosen niche market.
- You need impartial facts to understand all of the options open to you
- You need help to raise your profile in advance of launching your book
- You need help in using social media tools to build your followers and start creating momentum.
- You need recommendations to creative professionals to help with book design, layout, editing and proofreading
- You want to be inspired and learn from other authors who have been successful.
We are proud to launch our new suite of services at a time when we are all on lockdown and unable to attend events. All of the ways we support our authors are now all delivered onlnie, or via Zoom,