Want your book to be a Best Seller?

It is much less difficult to achieve bestseller status for your book than you might imagine, says Chris Day Surprisingly, it does not mean that you need to sell thousands of copies of your book to be officially recognised as a bestseller – all you need to do is sell...

How much do I earn from my book?

How much do I earn from my book? by Chris Day The first question to answer is “After people and bought and read you book, what do you want them to do or buy next?” If you can answer that, then you have a business. If not, you don’t. Your book will raise your profile...

Meet Janet Jones – the Happiness Millionnaire

Janet, founder of Happiness Millionaire Ltd, motivates and inspires people to live happier and more successfully using the Power of Positive Images. Through her discovery of how images impact our happiness and success, she soon became a leading breakthrough and...