
As a service to our AuthorCraft members, we hold a weekly author coaching calls on a Tuesday evening between 7pm and 8pm. The only exception is the fourth Tuesday of the month, which is when our live author networking event take place at the Institute of Directors at 119 Pall Mall, London.

This is the perfect opportunity to get your questions answered on any aspect of writing, designing, printing, distributing and selling your book. This call is a free service to AuthorCraft members.

The call will be hosted by one or more of our AuthorCraft experts including founder and publisher Chris Day; editor and book coach Wendy Yorke and book PR expert, Helen Lewis. We also have regular expert guests and known authors.

IF YOU HAVE QUESTIONS that you would like answers for, please email them to

During the call, you can send texts to 07802 211587 and we will answer your questions as they come in.


1. Call at 7pm on Tuesday to 0844 545 2121 (from a landline) or 83000 (from a mobile).
2. Enter the following PIN code: 27532451.
3. You’ll be transferred in the conference call automatically.

If you’re abroad and want to use your mobile phone, call the worldwide dial-in number: +12136039096.

Need help? Call our 24/7 Live Support on 0800 151 0065 (Freephone) / +44 207 100 1380 or visit

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