
With eight million listeners, Janey Lee Grace has spoken to more people in her lunch time than most people will ever do in their lifetime.  Already a multiple best-selling author with five books to her credit, she is well known the Media Spokesperson for the Organic and Natural Health world and also for Natural Childbirth and Parenting issues.

Now, with all her extensive media experience, her new book is aimed at new and growing businesses, and will be launch on  November 24th at the AuthorCraft event in the Institute of Directors.

Her book ÔÇÿYou Are The BrandÔÇÖ, published by Filament, explains why thinking of yourself as a brand can improve your chances of success in achieving your dreams. ┬áJaney believes itÔÇÖs important for you to see that YOU are your brand in order to become more visible in terms of getting your message out to a wider audience.

According to Janey “The concept of You as the brand can be a stumbling block for many professionals, and yet itÔÇÖs absolute! If you are looking to attract more clients and widen your opportunities for your knowledge and passion then you need to market and promote your particular USP.”

Whether you run a business or whether you really want to make a difference heading up a community project a powerful brand is an essential. This doesnÔÇÖt compromise on any of your authenticity; itÔÇÖs simply a way to enable people to know that they have found the right person, the right company or organisation for them. If you have a strong brand promise and people know what you stand for then you will attract the right people for you, those that you can help.

Janey Lee Grace was formally a backing / session singer for many popular pop acts during the 1980s and 1990s before breaking into television as a reporter and radio presenter. Janey can be heard co-presenting “Steve Wright in the Afternoon” on BBC Radio Two. She also used to present her own show on BBC Radio 1. Her TV career includes reporting for GMTV and also appearances on various mainstream daytime and prime time television shows. Her up beat bouncy personality is popular with Radio Two listeners across the world.

Janey is a passionate public speaker and interviewee on UK Radio and TV, and the author of 5 best-selling books on Natural health, including two Amazon No 1ÔÇÖs. Janey also runs PR and Media skills coaching and masterclass training helping heart centered businesses to shine in the spotlight and do their own best PR and marketing. http://www.imperfectlynatural.com/