Since 2012 AuthorCraft has been organising monthly networking and training events for author around the country. The main event takes place in London at the Institute of Directors on the fourth Tuesday of every month (except August and December) between 6 pm and 9 pm.
To objective of these events has been to help authors gain clarity on their publishing project, learn about the many options that are open to them, to hear from successful authors about their journeys and to gain skills. These are very positive events with a great dynamic where everyone is there to share and learn from each other. As a result, we want to help authors be better at marketing themselves, raising their profiles – and selling more books!
In 2019, AuthorCraft launched The AuthorCraft Academy to provide a structured curriculum of author training as an Open Learning Course. This was to make it possible for authors to get all of the benefits of membership without having to travel.
Authors will also get the chance to speak in public, in a safe environment, overcome their fears, and become speakers. The BookPitch section of the evening is open to everyone who wants to practice the 60-second elevator pitch.
With the new season of AuthorCraft event is September, we have decided to create new local AuthorCraft Groups around the country to bring the same experience to more people from outside London. To achieve this, we need Regional AuthorCraft Organisers.
Who would make a good regional organiser?
All of our regional organisers are volunteers and are either authors themselves or maybe are working in the publishing world in some capacity. They want to help run an author group because they are passionate about writing and want to help others on their author journeys.
They say that the teacher is the one that learns the most when teaching. If you want to gain knowledge about your own publishing project, becoming an organiser and facilitating an author group is a great place to start.
All of our organisers are outgoing, caring and focused on helping their members get the most out of their local events. As an organiser, you would be expected to promote your group using social media and attract local authors to come and take part.
You would need to find a venue for your group to meet. Many events take place in rooms above a pub – which can be most convenient! Some take place in libraries and other in local bookshops out of hours. You would charge members for attending and this charge would need to cover the cost of the room. There are no expenses provided.
You would need a laptop with loud-speakers, connected to the internet to play the videos we would supply, and also to connect to a Zoom Conference calls to enable your group to speak directly to publishing experts or other authors around the world.
AuthorCraft would provide you with an agenda and a structure for your events to help you to get started.. Along with PDFs of any other material you might need to facilitate.
Being an organiser is a very rewarding experience which will bring you into contact with some truly amazing people.
If you would like to be considered as an organiser, do email Chris or Olivia at advice@authorcraft.co.uk and tell us a bit about yourself and why you would like to become an organiser.