Giving your book a boost!

It is fascinating to go to a bookshop and to watch the way that people evaluate a book before buying it.  Everybody has their own agenda. They may not know the title of the book that they are looking for, but they do know the reading experience they are seeking. It...

AuthorCraft Membership

FREE FOR NEW MEMBERS!   AuthorCraft Membership If you are serious about making your book a success, we are just as serious about helping you. By becoming a member, you are giving yourself a big advantage by tapping into the knowledge and wisdom of successful...

AuthorCraft Zoom Events

All of us miss the regular monthly AuthorCraft events that we used to hold in the Institute of Directors. Until such time as we are able to resume them, we will be hosting mo nthly AuthorCraft Zoom events. these will be free of charge. To participate please register...

What is more important than Social Media to an author?

Asks publisher, Chris Day If this pandemic has taught us nothing else, it has taught us that it is not the problem that is the problem – no matter how big and challenging it might be to us individually.  What is more important is how we think about it. Whether we...

A Strategy for Survival for Authors and Speakers

When one door closes…. Truth is always stranger than fiction. If a screen-writer were to have put today’s events into a film script, it would have been rejected for being too far-fetched.  In the same way that Monty Python’s Spanish Inquisition was never...

Are you ready to embark on your journey as an author?

Different people have different reasons for becoming authors. For some, it is a chance to tell their story and leave a legacy. For others, it is an opportunity to define themselves in the marketplace and to be seen as the go-to person in their field. But those who...

Become an AuthorCraft Regional Organiser

Since 2012 AuthorCraft has been organising monthly networking and training events for author around the country. The main event takes place in London at the Institute of Directors on the fourth Tuesday of every month (except August and December) between 6 pm and 9 pm....

An Overview of Copyright Law – Bernie Nyman

Copyright law lies at the heart of much of the work I do – it is fundamental to the publishing industry, the media and entertainment industries and the IT industry. I have specialised in copyright law since I qualified in 1979 because I was lucky enough to join a firm...

What is the best Social Media scheduling tool to use?

Which Are The Best Social Media Scheduling Softwares To Use? Time is of the essence for any author, whether they are published or not. As director of Social Fireworks Ltd, a growing business, I know all about saving time and the social media challenges authors (my...