5 Predictions for Trade Publishing in 2016

by David Montgomery At the end of every year itÔÇÖs traditional for the CEO of Publishing Technology to dust off the crystal ball and look at whatÔÇÖs going to happen in publishing over the next twelve months. In previous years weÔÇÖve predicted the rise of mobile...

Lena Dunham and why 2015 was the year of the email newsletter

A welcome retreat from the chaos of the web, this year newsletters came into their own and revealed their roots in the epistolary novel ┬áBy Josephine Livingstone – writing in The Guardian Email newsletters boomed in 2015. The ubiquitous Lena Dunham even got in...

How books are booming in the Middle East

By Sylvia Smith BBC News With Islamic State militants taking greater control of strategic towns in Syria and Iraq, the publishing heartland of the Middle East is being thrown into disarray. These traditionally more literature-oriented countries have long suffered from...

What should authors expect to earn?

By Brooke Warner Publisher of She Writes Press; President of Warner Coaching Inc.; ┬áAuthor of ‘What’s Your Book?’ A funny thing about authors: they’re not a modest bunch. Even the most humble, down-to-earth authors I know have wild...

´╗┐ÔÇ£How can anyone compete against Amazon?ÔÇØ

ÔÇ£How can anyone compete against Amazon?ÔÇØ Is Amazon the Lion That Will Eat You? By: Stephen Blake Mettee As you likely know, Amazon has made a number of forays beyond bookselling and into book publishing. The company currently lists a bakerÔÇÖs dozen of imprints,...

Just out – European Book Publishing Statistics 2014

European Book Publishing Statistics 2014 The Federation of European Publishers (FEP) represents 28 national associations of publishers from the European Union and the European Economic Area Member States. The present survey is based on reports from the national book...