5169IlIakrL._SX378_BO1,204,203,200_Huge congratulations to Filament author Dee Blick. Not only has her UK 1 bestseller The Ultimate Small Business Marketing Book now been published in China (The Chinese translated version was released on 30th November 2015 in bookstores and on Amazon China) It has now become a genuine Chinese bestselling business book ÔÇô currently at position 67 on Amazon China. Dee is proof that dreams do come true for authors willing to sweat the copy and pursue their dream with tenacity and a huge dollop of self belief.┬á You never know where your book could take you. Dee was approached by CITIC Publishing in China and offered a publishing deal a few years ago and is now on the cusp of having her book released in India.

Good news for you too! If you want to know how to emulate DeeÔÇÖs incredible model of selling thousands of books and attaining international bestselling status, you simply canÔÇÖt miss her talk at the February authorcraft event where she will also share 8 powerful and practical tips on how you can become a stand out expert on your subject. A professional public speaker, Dee is renowned for her warm and engaging approach and will be happy to answer any of your questions.

Everyone attending will receive a free printed and emailed copy of DeeÔÇÖs top tips on building expert status so please confirm your place now as this is going to be an unmissable event for any author looking to sell more books and be richly rewarded for their talent.
