
Congratulations to David Mellor on the launch of his second book in the ‘From Crew to Captain Series’. In his second book, ‘A Privateers Tale’,┬á David Mellor helps people to ┬áunderstand the transition from working for a big┬áinstitution to setting up as a sole practitioner┬áconsultant or similar. David has made this journey,┬áand helped many others do the same.┬áAs with his first book, From Crew to Captain, you┬áwill find inside a number of practical tips and┬áhints, all garnered from the “University of Life”.
David will show readers three important aspects┬áof successful consultancy: ┬á1. The consultant role ÔÇÉ what does it look like ┬áin practice? ┬á2. Selling consultancy services ÔÇÉ how do you go┬áabout winning the customers you want? ┬á3. Delivering consultancy services ÔÇÉ what can
you do to build a viable book of business?

Publishing by Filament Publishing at ┬ú12 ‘A Privateers Tale’ is available from all good bookshops and from http://davidmellormentoring.com/