Our Virtual Campus

We cannot promise lofty spires, playing fields or quadrangles populated with gowned academics. But what we can promise is that we will be with you to provide help and support, day and night, in your garret or indeed wherever you choose to do your writing.
Our Open Learning Modules are accessible on all platforms and can be viewed on your Smartphone, tablet or PC. You will receive modules on a weekly basis via email. They will contain articles, links to videos and links to our private Virtual classroom on Zoom. If you are not around for the live module, then you be able to access the recording at any time. You tutor may well set exercises to help you gain further clarity.
If you happen to be in London, or close to any of our Regional Events, you will be able to obtain further support there. There is a door fee to all of our events of £15. This is separate to your Academy Subscription of £10 per month, which is an introductory offer for existing AuthorCraft members.You will receive your first module when you join.
Learn how to
- write your book with your perfect reader in mind
- be found by your niche market
- raise your author profile
- use all the main social media platform
- created compelling blogs and newsletters
- build a following based on your expert knowledge
- create a profitable author business
- avoid that ‘Self Published’ look on your book cover
- identify the keywords that your target reader will be searching for
- create the perfect Book Pitch
- become an effective professional speaker
- create a professional author website
- promote yourself to the media

And much more!