carl rosier-jones for fila site

As a police officer in Swindon, Carl Rosier Jones went to make an arrest only to have a gun pulled on him and shot at him six times. “Fortunately he was firing blanks but I didn’t know that at the time. I┬á heard six bangs and I thought I was dead.┬á It was quite a traumatic experience and, not surprisingly, I suffered from post-traumatic stress disorder as a result”.

“I started looking around for books and information about coping with stress┬á and although there was lots of information out there, none of it really talked to me. As a result, I decided to write my own book on coping with stress based on what I had learnt from my experience.

His┬á book, ‘The Caveman Principles: Get Rid of Everyday Stress and Enjoy Mammoth Success’ is published by Filament Publishing ┬áon Tuesday 24th November at ┬áa special launch event in the Institute of Directors in London’s Pall Mall where the author has every intention of breaking the formal dress code normally required, to appear in his Caveman outfit.

The Caveman Principles has nothing to do with paleoanthropology ┬ábut everything to do with stress, communication and change especially for the modern day Caveman surrounded by all sorts of modern scary ‘mammoths’.

” The book has been written to put these theories in an easy to read guide. You can follow them and improve your own life. You have the power to make the choice, to want better relationships, manage change easily and more importantly reduce your own stress. I hope you embrace the Caveman Principles and ´¼ünd them useful.”

Carl now runs Caveman Principles Training Workshops, where he delivers his theories, uses metaphors to help support and discuss his delegateÔÇÖs stress events his aim is to leave them with a new understanding of Stress. He is passionate about wanting to work with people who need his help, as he believes The Caveman Principles is the new and proven technique for helping them conquer Stress.

His┬á book, ‘The Caveman Principles: Get Rid of Everyday Stress and Enjoy Mammoth Success’ is published by Filament Publishing┬á on Tuesday 24th November at┬á ┬ú14.99 and is available from all good bookshops or direct from the author at

Further information: Chris Day 07802 211587