Stewart St Clair PearceWe are pleased to announce that radio presenter Stewart St Clair Pearce will be attending the AuthorCraft event on Tuesday 24th January 2017, at the Institute of Directors, London, to record interviews with authors for his radio show.

Stewart presents The Way Forward on UK Health Radio, a health & wellness online radio station in the UK. The station broadcasts 28 health shows over 24/7 from to 250,000 listeners a month.

The Way Forward is an hourly show repeated five times a week, and is aimed at inspiring and engaging stroke sufferers and anyone recovering from illness.  You can learn more about the show by visiting his website here.

Stewart has been involved in producing and presenting news for the last 30 years for the likes of LBC, ITN, CNBC and CNN. Since having a stroke in 2015 and being in a coma for four months, Stewart has fought to make a comeback with a feel-good radio show that makes you feel better.