Hooking new readers

Book + Hook = Sales (Marketing Recipe for┬áAuthors)   BOOK MARKETING TIPS Is your book full of hooks? If you donÔÇÖt understand the question, donÔÇÖt worry. IÔÇÖll explain it shortly. After I ask a different question. Why did you read this article? I realize that...

10 Predictions for Publishing for 2016

10 Industry Predictions for 2016 By: Tom Chalmers When trends become clearÔÇöfrom self-publishing to writer events to the boutique model of the industry to the re-growth of print sales and large publisher consolidationÔÇöI regularly point out in the office that I...

5 steps to building your personal brand

5 steps to building your personal brand By Kaye Holland in TNT Magazine www.tntmagazine.com Are you an expert, teacher, practitioner or have you always wanted to write a book or share your story with a wider audience? Do you long to become self-employed and turn your...

AuthorCraft member receives award

Undefeeted, an Oxted-based not-for-profit organisation run by husband and wife team Peter and Tina Allton, has received an award from the Key Person of Influence programme, run by Entrevo UK. Key Person of Influence is a nine month leadership and business development...

Books sales surge as readers prove that paper isn’t dead

A manufacturing report from the Office for National statistics also suggests puzzles and model train sets are still popular The boss of Watersones recently said kindle sales were declining By Elizabeth Anderson Sales of books, brochures and pamphlets surged 6.7pc last...

How to know if your book’s cover needs a redesign

How to Know Your Book’s Cover Needs a Redesign by Diana Urban Potential readers need to be intrigued by a bookÔÇÖs cover to click through and check it out. Our testing has shown that a cover alone can account for a 30% difference in clicks on a BookBub Featured...