Amazon Books should be the future of brick-and-mortar retail chains

Amazon – from clicks to bricks Nathaniel Mott Earlier this month, Amazon opened a bookstore in a mall that used to house a Barnes & Noble. Much has been written about this foray into the physical realm: ItÔÇÖs been┬ácalled a potential library of the future;...

Book facts that not a lot of people know

Anne Miler is a ‘QI elf’ and has shared some book-related facts with us that we think you will find quite interesting… by Anne Miller on We are a planet of book lovers: in Iceland, 1 in 10 people will publish a book, IKEA sells a...

5 Ways to Use Instagram as an Author

by Tee Morris and Pip Ballantine When you hear about networking platforms or building a presence on social media, authors generally talk about Facebook, Twitter, and blogging straight away. Sometimes podcasting and Pinterest are mentioned. But Instagram? We asked our...

BBC RADIO 2 presenter starts a new chapter

With eight million listeners, Janey Lee Grace has spoken to more people in her lunch time than most people will ever do in their lifetime.  Already a multiple best-selling author with five books to her credit, she is well known the Media Spokesperson for the Organic...

Policeman swops truncheon for Caveman’s Club

As a police officer in Swindon, Carl Rosier Jones went to make an arrest only to have a gun pulled on him and shot at him six times. “Fortunately he was firing blanks but I didn’t know that at the time. I┬á heard six bangs and I thought I was dead.┬á It...

Exploiting the Full Potential of the EPUB3 Format

By: Larry Bennett If you are an author or a publisher of books that are not strictly narrative, are your ebooks a mirror image of your print books? Or have you taken advantage of the capabilities that the EPUB3 format provides to offer readers an enhanced reading...