Romance Author Adds Book Trailer to Tweets By Dianna Dilworth

Donna Thorland, author of the Renegades of the Revolution series from Penguin NAL has┬átaken advantage of┬áTwitterÔÇÖs new native┬ávideo┬áplatform to promote her latest book. By uploading a trailer for the book from her phone, she was able to tweet the trailer...

20 simply sensational copywriting tips by Dee Blick

In this blog youÔÇÖll discover At a glance how to improve your copywriting skills in minutes How the pros write response grabbing copy How to enthuse your readers┬á You donÔÇÖt need to be the WorldÔÇÖs greatest copywriter to get incredible results from your...

Why audio content will serve you well – Viv Oyolu

ThereÔÇÖs so much talk about audio and podcasts today! If youÔÇÖre still not thinking about finding the best format to use it, donÔÇÖt despair! I penned a blog last summer ÔÇô 5 Steps for beginners, which hopefully should start your thinking process and if you look...

How a Publishing Podcast Can Change a BookÔÇÖs Life by Edward Nawotka

┬áA publishing podcast is about creating intimacy with the reader. ItÔÇÖs not a bullet point or marketing strategy, says Anshuman Iddamsetty of PRH Canada. ÔÇ£The internet is hostile to sounds and podcasts in general,ÔÇØ said Anshuman Iddamsetty at last weekÔÇÖs...

Wendy YorkeÔÇÖs Top 12 Tips for Book Marketing using Social Media

There is an exciting, globally connected world of fast, new online marketing out there, ideally suited for you as writers, to promote and market your newly published books! Marketing has changed dramatically in a really positive way. Gone are the days of traditional...