Why Do Books Have Blank Pages?

Why Do Books Have Blank Pages? Jake Rossen Despite seeming incongruous, a page in a book without words is something we encounter so often we rarely stop to think about it. Pick up virtually any hardcover or paperback title and youÔÇÖre bound to see at least one or two...

Are paper books really disappearing?

Are paper books really disappearing? If the printed word becomes a thing of the past, it may affect how we think. By Rachel Nuwer – from BBC.com When Peter James published his novel Host on two floppy disks in 1993, he was ill-prepared for the ÔÇ£venomous...

Top 10 tips to find the right book publicist for you

by Helen Lewis – Founder of Literally PR helenlewis@literallypr.com┬á ┬á ┬áwww.literallypr.com ┬á ┬á@literallypr ┬á ┬á@theauthorschool ┬áExtracts from Helen Lewis’s presentation at the AuthorCraft event at the Institute of Directors in February Seek word...

The Psychology of What Makes a Great Story

The Psychology of What Makes a Great Story ÔÇ£The great writerÔÇÖs gift to a reader is to make him a better writer.ÔÇØ By Maria Popova ÔÇ£Stories,ÔÇØ Neil Gaiman asserted in his wonderful lecture on what makes stories last, ÔÇ£are genuinely symbiotic organisms that we...

Top tips for how to get a cookbook published

Top tips for how to get a cookbook published One publish and two authors from the food world, give you their top tips on how to get your idea published KATE LOUGH  writing in the Evening Standard Is it your dream to write a cookbook? Then make sure you read the below...